Into Maturity - Our Questions - The Book of Job


As we mentioned in a former blog, we at believe all teaching of the faith in the home is good and laudable.  God will use even the most spontaneous teaching moments.  And yet, we should not allow that truth to justify taking a haphazard approach to the calling to train up our children.

That is why we are happy to introduce the first set of resources in our Into Maturity series called “Our Questions.”  It is a four session Bible Study looking at the book of Job.   It examines the fact that much of life leaves us with questions and yet encourages us to trust God alone for answers rather than simply allowing our reason and speculation to run wild.

We sit with Job and admittedly resonate with his questions and then are rebuked with him as God reminds us of his power, might, and love towards his creation.

We are uploading all four sessions right away so you can work through them at your pace in your setting.  We will also be weekly posting a brief summary of each session to take you through the resource part by part.  If you are using these resources, we would appreciate you leaving feedback on our Facebook page or in the comments section below.  Also, we really rely on you to help us spread the word about these resources.  Please share our links and talk about them with others seeking to live The Christian Life at Home.

Download the new resources by clicking below or by clicking on "Our Questions" at our resource page.

God’s Questions – Session One

God’s Questions – Session Two

God’s Questions – Session Three

God’s Questions – Session Four

As always our resources are in pdf format to make it easy to use them.  These resources are prepared as leader's guides with answers to the questions provided.  Just click and print on normal printer paper.