Updated FREE Plan for Family Devotions (New Hymn Selections) - Please Share

As we wrote in a former blog post, we at Living Planted believe that singing together as a family is an important part of gathering the family around God and His Word each day. Singing helps place God's eternal truth into our minds and hearts like almost nothing else can do.

However, we understand that the thought of singing in a small group can be rather daunting for some people. And so, we decided to try to go back and make sure the hymns we suggested using both match the theme for the day and yet also were the most singable tunes we could find.

We are proud to announce that a new version of our core resource is now on the website with an updated hymn selection. Obviously, if the first version is working fine for your family, you can continue to use it. But if you are starting new, we would encourage using this new version of this resource.

Also, we want to make clear, that we understand what one family or small group might find singable differs from another.  We have found this to be true even as we discuss our recommendations among ourselves.  So, if there is a hymn that your family simply does not seem to be able to sing, choose another one you might already know that goes with the theme.  If you can not think of one, simply choose any hymn and continue to sing. We believe that it is better to sing something even if it does not go with the theme for the day then to simply skip what God calls us to do by singing. Again, we believe that the Scriptures are full of evidence that God intends for His people to always be singing about Him, His ways, and His Son Jesus.

We would love it also if you would share this blog post to make more people aware of this free resource that they can use in their homes. Also, keep an eye on our site and blog. While there has not been a lot of activity recently, have no doubt we are working on more resources to help you live the Christian Life at home.